
Eurocom is leveraging the Clevo P775TM1-G laptop as their base chassis for the Sky X7C, and if you’ve ever had a chance to use a Clevo laptop before, it is certainly function over form in every respect. There’s no fancy aluminum CNC chassis, but instead a big, bold, black plastic exterior, with no fancy graphics or lighting. Every dollar you pay goes into what is inside, rather than outside.

The Eurocom Sky X7C is a big laptop. It measures 40 mm / 1.6-inches thick and weighs in at a hefty 3.9 kg / 8.58 lbs. This is true desktop replacement territory, offering the size and weight to be able to handle the extra cooling that the desktop class components will require. As a DTR notebook, it’s meant to be moved from desk to desk, rather than used on the go.

The no-nonsense black plastic continues when you lift the display open. This notebook doesn’t offer the ultra-thin bezels you may expect on a smaller, lighter laptop, and the imposing size doesn’t offer the modern look from some of the more expensive competition.


If you are familiar with Clevo keyboards, this is as standard as they come. Clevo offers a full keyboard plus number pad, and it offers reasonable key feel and throw. There’s only three zones of RGB backlighting, rather than per-key like some of the competition, which limits the usefulness of the backlighting for anything other than being able to see in the dark. Per-key does offer some benefits to quickly find certain keys, or change the mapping based on application, whereas three zones, to me, looks a bit silly if all of the zones are not set to the same color.

The trackpad offers the same no-nonsense approach, with a pretty average trackpad. There’s no glass top for smoothness, but it is responsive enough and works well with multi-touch. There’s also actual buttons located below the trackpad, which is beneficial for gaming if you don’t have access to a mouse. Clevo also includes a fingerprint reader in the trackpad as an added convenience.

The sides of the laptop offer plenty of expansion ports, with four USB Type-A ports split across the right and left, and two USB Type-C ports on the left side. There’s also a SD card reader and Ethernet on the left, and four 3.5 mm jacks for the audio on the right. If there’s a small quibble here, it would be that the Ethernet cable should be located on the rear to make the cabling a bit cleaner if you do want to use wired Ethernet, where it would join the two DisplayPort outputs, the HDMI 2.0 port, and the massive 4-pin power connector.

Clevo laptops are function over form, which is really their charm, and allows them to offer more performance for less cost than most, if not all, of the competition. The design of the Eurocom Sky X7C is typical Clevo, but it still offers a reasonable keyboard and trackpad even if the overall fit, finish, and feel don’t quite stack up with the sleek aluminum you’d normally see on a gaming laptop in this price range. There’s plenty of expansion, and you could easily run this as a true desktop with a display, keyboard, and mouse connected with no fuss.

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  • close - Monday, August 5, 2019 - link

    We've had "true desktop replacements" for quite some time now. The problem is that just as this one they can only replace "some" desktops. It's never the top ones, and never at an identical price level.

    So historically DTR can replace at best an upper-mid range desktop for substantially higher price, or replace a desktop at the same price but then offer substantially lower performance. On top of this there are the additional annoyances that may or may not be worth it in the name of mobility (noise, heat, weight, small screen, less versatility and expandability, uncomfortable keyboards due to the thickness of the body, etc.).
  • close - Monday, August 5, 2019 - link

    And as an additional note about upgradeability: a socketed CPU and MXM GPU give you some freedom but you'd still be limited by availability (my DTR has an MXM Quadro card but no real upgrade path because even if I get my hands on a better card it won't be supported) and TDP. You can probably go for an eGPU but at this point you're already stretching that "mobility" concept into something unrecognizable.

    For a desktop availability of upgrade parts is basically a non-issue, and TDP can be relatively easily worked around.
  • ballsystemlord - Tuesday, August 6, 2019 - link

    I'll never be able to replace my desktop with a laptop because they all* have inadequate cooling.
    * At least all the DTRs that I've seen.
  • Kishoreshack - Monday, August 5, 2019 - link

    Wanted to see inside of the laptops
    Some pictures of the cooling fans would have been appreciated
  • close - Monday, August 5, 2019 - link

    Official images.
  • Brett Howse - Monday, August 5, 2019 - link

    Great suggestion I added an image in on the thermals section.
  • Kishoreshack - Monday, August 5, 2019 - link

    Should have opened the laptop
    Showed us the heat sink
    It's high time the best in depth review site needs to up it's game
  • Brett Howse - Monday, August 5, 2019 - link

    I added an image on the thermals section to show the inside.
  • PeachNCream - Monday, August 5, 2019 - link

    Interesting notebook, but that power supply may raise eyebrows at an airport. Since the cooling is adequate but loud, it may be better off with a 35-65W TDP or less CPU and one of those gimpy lower TDP graphics cards (Max-Q?). Keep the existing cooling and the fans would stay quiet while the hardware stays cooler. The chunky power supply could be replaced with someone less alarming looking as well. Oh and someone may want to poke Clevo about their network adapter branding if they're looking for premium rather than glam-chic. Who designed that logo too? That's just asking to look like some *chan-manifesto-posting nutter.
  • PeachNCream - Monday, August 5, 2019 - link

    *something less alarming - ugh I'll be happy when the 1990s are over and we get an edit feature for the new century.

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