MSI 845PE Max2-FIR (845PE)

by Evan Lieb on October 31, 2002 1:04 AM EST

Final Words

There are a lot of positive things we can say about MSI's latest Pentium 4 motherboard, the 845PE Max2-FIR. Let's list exactly what this board offers to different types of users:

1. For those users that are on a tight budget and simply need a fast and cheap motherboard, the MSI 845PE Max2-FIR clearly isn't the right choice. The sheer amount of onboard features adds enough cost that it places this motherboard in the following two categories.

2. For those users that are simply interested in a feature-filled, fast, and reasonably priced motherboard, the MSI 845PE Max2-FIR fits the bill indeed. The combination of RAID, FireWire and Gigabit among other tasty features should please the vast majority of users looking for an all-in-one motherboard.

3. For those users that desire a flexible and overclockable motherboard no matter the price, the MSI 845PE Max2-FIR is again able to fulfill this niche. MSI's 845PE motherboard was clearly able to sustain nearly the average overclock that we've seen with 845PE motherboards, not to mention the fact that we would have been able to go higher if we had decided to adjust all the abundant voltages available in the Award BIOS.

It's quite clear that MSI has done a great job in balancing a combination of onboard features, tweakability, and perhaps most importantly price with the 845PE Max2-FIR. Currently, you can purchase the MSI 845PE Max2-FIR for between $150-160 online. This price is competitive with other feature-filled 845PE solutions out on the market currently.

Still, we can't help but mention two important factors to take into consideration if you're pondering whether or not to purchase this motherboard. The first factor you must consider is the competition. If you truly wanted a budget 845PE motherboard, then you'd more than likely opt for Albatron's PX845PEV Pro. If you truly desired a fully loaded and integrated all-in-one solution, ASUS's P4PE motherboard might be the best choice. And if you were serious about getting a truly tweakable and overclockable motherboard, the Epox 4PEA+ or Albatron PX845PEV Pro II might be the best bet. All in all it's a tough 845PE market out there, but MSI has at least shown that they can hang with the best of them with the 845PE Max2-FIR.

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