Memory Performance

Memory Bandwidth Comparison - Read Performance

Memory Bandwidth Comparison - Write Performance

Memory Latency Comparison

We recently switched to version 2.50 of Everest, so these scores are not comparable to previous tests with version 2.20. The memory latency test continues to show a 7% advantage for the nForce4's memory controller on the Asus board. The Biostar board's performance was near the bottom of the field and mirrors the results in the more memory and cpu sensitive 3DMark03 and 3DMark01 tests. The surprising number is the difference between the Asus P5N32-SLI and Biostar TForce4 U 775 in the read performance results, which results in the Asus being 4% faster.

Overclocking Performance

The overclocking performance graphs have been added to the standard benchmark test suite and should allow for a better comparison on the overclocking capabilities of tested boards. For more details on the specific overclocking abilities of this board, please refer to the Overclocking and Memory Stress Test section in the Basic Features section.



The Biostar TForce4 U 775 is an average overclocker, but falls within the normal range of most NVIDIA based Intel boards. We still recommend the Intel chipsets if higher overclocks are required.

General Performance & Encoding Gaming Performance
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  • Ecmaster76 - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    If they do they might acually catch up with AMD.

    Supposedly their CSI project is falling apart. If they swallow their pride their server department would find a boon in HT

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