Memory Stress Testing: Soltek K8TPro-939

The memory stress test is very basic. It tests the ability of the Soltek K8TPro-939 to operate at its officially supported memory frequency (400MHz DDR), at the lowest memory timings that OCZ PC3200 Platinum Rev. 2 modules will support. All DIMMs used for stress testing were 512MB double-sided (or double-bank) memory. Memory was only tested in Dual-Channel mode using either one dual-channel (2 DIMMs) or 2 dual-channels (4 DIMMs).

Stable DDR400 Timings - One Dual-Channel
(2/4 DIMMs populated)
Clock Speed: 200MHz
CAS Latency: 2.0
RAS to CAS Delay: 2T
RAS Precharge: 10T*
Precharge Delay: 2T
Command Rate: 1T
*Several memory tests have shown that memory performs fastest on the nVidia nForce chipsets at a TRas (RAS Precharge) settings in the 9 to 13 range. We ran our own Memory Bandwidth tests with memtest86 with TRas settings from 5 to 15 at a wide range of different memory speeds. The best bandwidth was consistently at 9 to 11 at every speed, with TRas 10 always in the best range at every speed. The performance improvement at TRas 10 was only 2% to 4% over TRas 5 and 6 depending on the speed, but the performance advantage was consistent across all tests. All benchmarks were run at a TRas setting of 10.

Using two DIMMs in Dual-Channel 128-bit mode, the memory performed in all benchmarks at the fastest 2-2-2-10 timings, at 2.6V.

Stable DDR400 Timings - Two Dual-Channel
(4/4 DIMMs populated)
Clock Speed: 166MHz
CAS Latency: 2.0
RAS to CAS Delay: 2T
RAS Precharge: 10T*
Precharge Delay: 2T
Command Rate: 2T

Tests with the Soltek 939 with all four DIMM slots populated were a disappointment. Since every 939 board that we tested in our 939 roundup ran at DDR400 with 4 DIMMs, we have been very surprised to find some 939 boards that will not do DDR400 with 4 DIMMs. The Epox 9NDA3+ wouldn't do it, and now, neither will the Soltek. No matter what we set, the Soltek forced DDR333 with 4 DIMMs at 2T Command Rate. No matter what memory speed we set in the BIOS, the Soltek forced DDR333 with 4 DIMMs at 2T Command Rate. We also tried 1T Command Rate, and with 1T, the board set DDR200, no matter what we set in BIOS.

Until we see a BIOS update that corrects this issue, if you plan to run four DDR400 DIMMs, then you should choose another Socket 939 motherboard.

FSB Overclocking: Soltek K8TPro-939 Performance Test Configuration: Soltek K8TPro-939
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  • manno - Thursday, October 28, 2004 - link

    Son of a $@#!

    Any way what the heck is up with the Halo #'s? Is this so shady under the table stuff between MS, or Bungie, and nvidia? If so that sucks, and I hope that we don't see anymore of it in the future. Any info on that?

  • manno - Thursday, October 28, 2004 - link

  • bob661 - Thursday, October 28, 2004 - link

    > In fact the majority of PC users are not
    > overclockers.

    Very true. And the majority of PC users have no idea who Anand is. Online reviews are mostly read by PC users in the know or those that want to be in the know. The average PC user has no clue about these review websites and heads down Best Buy when it's time to purchase a new computer.
  • PrinceGaz - Thursday, October 28, 2004 - link

    Last page, second paragraph- "With 2.6GHz as a target, it is easy to see that we would need a 289 setting for the 3500+,"...

    That should be 3000+. The rest of that sentence is correct.
  • Myrandex - Thursday, October 28, 2004 - link

    typo: We suspect that the answer has to do with the cist difference between the VIA and Realtek solutions

    Also, on the first page a picture doesn't load.
  • Omega215D - Thursday, October 28, 2004 - link

    I know I posted this before but why is there no news on the Elitegroup's Dual PCIe (for graphics) with an AGP Express port on the bottom? This should appeal to those into "future-proofing" by including both old and new. Of course it'll be on a 915 chipset.....
  • Boonesmi - Thursday, October 28, 2004 - link

    hopefully they will have quick bios update that fixes the agp/pci lock (i dont really care about 4 dimms)... if they get it fixed quick it will probably be my next board :)

    newegg has an eta of 11/8/2004 which is about when ill be buying, so make sure you update this review if the agp/pci lock gets fixed
  • Beenthere - Thursday, October 28, 2004 - link

    While a BIOS upgrade will likely fix the AGP lock and (4) DIMM 2T issues, I doubt either is a BIG issue for most PC users. Yes overclockers may have an issue with the AGP lock and no doubt it will be corrected, but not everyone is an overcloker. In fact the majority of PC users are not overclockers. It's OK to point out the AGP lock and (4) DIMM issues for those who care, but it ain't worth getting an ulcer over. From the review it sounds like these are life or death features, which they are not.

    In regards to PCI-e Mobo reviews, the results are going to mirror AGP Mobos as the nF4 chipset is just an nF3 with PCI-e instead of AGP graphics. The only PCI-e Mobos that will show any major difference from a similar nF3 or K8T800 PRO Mobo are the SLI dual graphics card versions. If you're looking for one of these you better have real deep pockets and be willing to wait awhile.
  • MDE - Thursday, October 28, 2004 - link

    Why do you guys keep whining about floppy port location? Honestly I think the bottom of the board is a pretty good location, especially since I almost never use a floppy drive (just for RAID drivers). It's easy to get at when you do need a floppy drive plugged in and doesn't interfere with anything else, helping to avoid the tangle of cables around the right side of the board that's so common with "properly" laid out boards.
  • Gnoad - Thursday, October 28, 2004 - link

    Alot of us still want AGP. I'm sick and tired of mobos being manufactured without the most important part functional: the agp lock. Nforce3 150 pissed me off, and we have it here again. I really don't want to use the k8n neo, so this is a big dissapointment to me.

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