Startup Performance

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  • rowcroft - Thursday, September 30, 2004 - link

    Great review- sad state of affairs when a 6 pound 1.4" thick laptop is considered mid-size though..... it's fine for machines that won't travel much but this trend of larger & thicker (read: Dell) is not for me.

  • manno - Thursday, September 30, 2004 - link

    Where the are the rest of the benchmarks comparing it to the P4, and Athlon 64 mobiles out there? No superpi, run half-life in software mode, or pull out your old dusty copy of quake 2 for that matter. I want to know if I should get a a64 based laptop, or a P-M based one, it's a good review to be sure, but could use a little fleshing out.
  • Abdulraheem - Tuesday, December 29, 2020 - link

    Can i install window 7 on Compaq nc6000

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