As you can tell by looking at the rear of the system, there is room for a total of three expansion cards. Let's have a look inside to see exactly what can be done.

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A handful of screws hold the top cover in place, and removing it reveals very little actually. A large black piece of plastic labeled "CCSI Wind Tunnel" covers the CPU and memory area of the motherboard; lifting it up reveals exactly how CCSI has adapted their cooling system to work in the 2U chassis.


The Windtunnel pulls in air from the front of the case through this hole

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The Wind Tunnel is essentially a plastic duct that also houses the two blowers that cool the Athlon MP processors. The entire piece sits over the CPU and memory area, takes air from the front of the case and blows it across the surface of the heatsinks. The air then escapes through vents in the side of the case.

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Because of the presence of the Wind Tunnel, there's another set of screws that must be undone before you can gain access to the memory banks.

CCSI 2U Drivebays Finishing up the CCSI 2U
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